My Favorite Things

Here is a list of items that are under my category of ‘Things Every Household should Own.’ They are books and CDs  well worth their investment — in fact, they exceed it. Each is not placed here lightly, but rather with careful thought and consideration. They contain a wealth of knowledge and impartation that will reinforce and strengthen the Word of God in your heart. These are the products that inspire me and help me.  They are all, in my opinion, true treasures. As you search for guides that can help you in your Christian walk, I highly suggest each and every one of them. They are some of my most very ‘Favorite Things’!

Scripture CDs from Kenneth Hagin Ministries.

These 3 CDs — the Peace CD, the Success CD, and Healing Scriptures —  are full of  scripture readings and songs that do more than just uplift the spirit — they strengthen it! Listening to the Word over and over again builds great faith (Romans 10:17), and how much more when it is concentrated on subjects that hit so close to home. The Peace CD is especially my favorite, and it is something I have turned to many times in the face of unsettling circumstances. You can buy the Peace CD here, the Success CD here, and the Healing CD here.

The Greatest Thing in the World’ by Henry Drummond 

This mini-book is one of the most inspiring books on the subject of ‘walking in love’ that I have ever read! I keep this book with me almost everywhere I go. Taken from an address delivered in 1884, it is written in an old-school language that is quite poetic, and lends itself to a rich and deep perspective on such an important subject. I find it very moving. You can buy ‘The Greatest Thing in the World” here.

‘The Believer’s Authority’ by Kenneth E. Hagin

With over 1 million copies sold, this book has changed many Christians forever, myself and my family included. It was written by the founder of the Bible School I attended…Rhema Bible Training Center. A fellow alumni and friend of ours, who is a missionary to Africa,was visiting a remote village in the heart of the country. He discovered this book in the tent of the village chief. The chief would only let him minister to his village if he ‘taught like this man [Kenneth Hagin].’ Our friend was able to tell him that, not only would he teach like him, but he had even attended his Bible school. He was able to minister to the whole village, and everyone was saved. I, myself, found a cover for this book laying on the ground as I walked the streets of Bogota, Columbia. The book is seriously everywhere! Come on….see for yourself what all the fuss is about. Look here for the book, and here for all the available materials related to it.

‘The Bait of Satan’ by John Bevere

Wow! What an awesome book! ‘The Bait of Satan’ takes an honest and Biblical look at the subject of being offended. I have used it as a study guide numerous times over the years, and strongly believe that every Christian should take the time to read it. It brings to light that even the small things about which we can be ‘touchy’ or ‘resentful’ have a great ability to harm our spiritual walk with God. In a time and season where offense is so normal, this book is an important reminder of God’s thoughts on the matter. You can buy ‘The Bait of Satan: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense’ on Messenger International’s website here, or related materials for further study here.

‘Sparkling Gems from the Greek’ by Rick Renner

Rick Renner, a successful and thriving missionary in Moscow, Russia, has compiled 365 Greek word studies from the Bible for every day of the year. There are over 1000 word studies from the Greek New Testament in this devotional, shared from a wealth of knowledge in a remarkable down-to-earth way. Not many daily devotionals are able to dig very deeply into the Word of God in such an abbreviated format, but I find that this devotional certainly does, even going beyond it. Each day’s entry is more like a mini-sermon or lesson, making this book an extremely helpful resource and study tool. You can find ‘Sparkling Gems‘ book hereor download the book to your electronic reader here.

Faith Library Publications

Faith Library Publications is the publishing house for Kenneth Hagin Ministries, a ministry that I highly respect and support. There are hundreds of books, CDs, DVDs available through their publications — far too many to name individually. It is my personal goal to one day own every product in their library, because I believe that strongly in them. If you were only going to check out a few, I would recommend one of my personal favorites — ‘I Believe in Visions’ — along with ‘The Art of Prayer’, ‘Knowing God as Your Father’ (CD), and ‘Love: The Way to Victory’. Whatever you may be going through, FLP has products that will really help and build you up as you go through life. Check out their bookstore here.

‘Leaves of Gold’

When I get out this book, it is so hard for me to put it down, I am always so encouraged and inspired by it. It’s one of those reads where you find your favorite pages, and you go to them every time. It is not only a book of poetry, though it has poems. It is not solely a book of short stories, although it contains several. It is not a book of quotes, although there are many within its pages — it is a compilation. Its subject matter centers around its chapters, with titles like ‘Courage’, ‘Beauty’, ‘Happiness’, and Perspective’. If you appreciate old-fashioned values, or consider yourself to be an old soul, like I do, you will love the ‘old world’ feeling throughout its pages.  After taking time to read even just a few excerpts, I usually experience a perspective shift, and I have such a gratefulness and joy in my life. I hope you will feel the same upon reading it. I will share stories from ‘Leaves of Gold’ from time to time in this blog, but if you’d like your own copy, you can find it at Amazon here.

‘Contact with God’


‘Contact with God’ by Jeanne Wilkerson is one of my favorite books. It is very inspiring to both Rob and me on the subject of prayer. We both go back to it over and over again as a reference in our studies and devotions. It is available for purchase here.