Heavenly Reception


‘Contact with God’ by Jeanne Wilkerson is one of my favorite books. It is very inspiring to both Rob and me on the subject of prayer. We both go back to it over and over again as a reference in our studies and devotions. (I have now added it to ‘My Favorite Things’ page.) I recently read the appendixes in the back, and found such illumination in its words.

Jeanne was a true saint of God. She was not flashy or uber-famous, but from the day she was born again as a young woman, she served God whole-heartedly and steadfastly, with unwavering devotion. She was a gifted speaker in her public ministry, but chose to spend most of her time secluded in prayer. On her knees, she sacrificed hours and hours of her own time in service to the Kingdom of God and others. In her later life, Brother Kenneth E. Hagin would frequently call on Jeanne to minister during his meetings.

Mrs. Wilkerson passed away in 1987 and “Dad” Hagin shared a word of prophecy at her memorial service that is written in Appendix B of the book. I’d like to share it with you, as the words have truly ministered to me. It is a word that describes the homecoming reception Brother Hagin said that Mrs. Wilkerson had in heaven. I believe it also describes the entrance of any saint or believer into Heaven that has lived a life of victory and dedication to God here on Earth.

As I read it, my heart’s cry was that words such as these could one day describe my admittance to Heaven as well. May this be what is exclaimed of all of us. My prayer for our lives is that Father God would help us to live in such a way that we may arrive in Heaven as this, with such satisfaction of soul. Oh, to enter with such victory and peace as is described here.

Time passes so quickly. Life flashes before our eyes. Its daily duties go by with relative ease of pace, but the whole of it with all its treasured memories quickly becomes a dream. You may have heard the quote as I have, “only that which we do for Christ remains.” Remember today that the kindness, good works and witness of Jesus Christ by our lives is what will last throughout the ages (1 Cor 13:13); let us have this knowledge that we may fill our eternal homes with all good and pleasant riches forever (Prov 24:4).

Live with hope, keeping in mind the day that we all move towards, the day when we will go to meet our Lord. It is victory for us all, and let us aim to obtain such a welcome as this saint of God must have enjoyed. May this prose help turn your thoughts upwards, and help you think about Heaven today…may Heaven be in our view every day.

“The Reception”

‘Listen! ‘Tis the morning hours in Glory. A shadow through the mists doth now appear. A troop of angels sweeping down in greeting. A welcome home rings out with joyous cheer.

A traveler from the earth is now arriving, a mighty welcome’s ringing in the skies. The trumpets of a host are now resounding, a welcome to the life that never dies.

Who is the victor whom the angels welcome? What mighty deeds of valor have been done? What is the meaning of these shouts of triumph? Why welcome this soul as a mighty one?

She is but a woman, frail and slight and tender, no special mark of dignity she bears. Only the Christ light from her face cloth glisten, only the white robe of a Saint she wears.

She is but a soul redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Hers but a life of sacrifice and care. Yet with her welcome all the heaven is ringing, and on her brow a victor’s crown she bears.

How came she thus from sin’s benighting thraldom, the grace and purity of heaven to obtain? Only through Him who gave His life a ransom, cleaning the soul from every spot and stain.

See! As you gaze upon her face so radiant, ‘tis but the beauty of her Lord you see; Only the image of His life resplendent, only the minor of His life is she.

See with what signs of joy they bear her onward, how that the heaven’s ring with glad acclaim! What is the shout they raise while soaring upward? Welcome! Thrice welcome thou in Jesus’ name!

Rest in the mansion by thy Lord prepared thee, out of the loving deeds which thou has done, furnished through out by thoughts and acts which have portrayed me, unto a lost world as their Christ alone.

Hear how thy lovely harp is ringing; touched are its strings with hands by thee unseen, know that the music of thine own creating, Heaven’s melodies in hearts where sin has been.

See how the atmosphere with love is laden, and that with brightness all the landscape gleams. Know ‘tis the gladness and the joy of heaven, shed now by rescued souls in radiant beams.

Oh, that here on earth we may learn the lesson, that Christ enthroned in our hearts while here, fits and prepares the soul for heaven, making us like Him both there and here.

Doing the simple and homely duties, just as our Christ on the Earth has done. Seeking alone that Christ’s own beauty, in every heart should be caused to bloom.

Showing all men that the blood of Jesus, cleanses all hearts from all sin below, and that the life of Christ within us, transforms the soul till as pure as snow.

When we thus to the dark, cold river, no sin, no darkness, no death is there. Only great joy that at last the Giver, grants us anew of His life to share.’

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1, 2 ESV

“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2 KJB

“And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.” Revelation 22:5 KJV